View Project 4

Project 4 Reflection

Going into this project, I knew that javascript was hard. However, this project challenged me in ways that I did not expect to be challeneged! Previously, I had always struggled with Javascript, so I was a bit nervous when we had to create a project around the topic. However,while it was challenging, I felt that I was able to learn a lot. Some new skills that I acquired was better understanding how Javascript, HTML and CSS work together. I always knew that they did work together, I just never understood how exactly they went together. I chose to do the Flex panel and clock, as I wanted the designs I did to incooperate a lot of HTML and CSS, as that helped me better understand how they worked together.

Some struggles that I faced, was getting my challenges to work like the examples. I kept feeling like what I was doing, was so close to the right answer,but I would miss very small errors. This would cause my project to just stop working right altogether. I also faced challenges as I decided to code my own website for this, and because it had been a while since I did this, it also ended up taking more time than expected. However, it was a good refresher for the final project.

Some things that I am proud of is my color scheme and how I made the images clickable into links on the production homepage. While these may seem minor, it tooke me quite a while to make sure that everything was legiable and that it was aligned correctly. I had never emnded an image as a link before, so this was new to me! I had also never used the float element, so that was also a challenge. In terms of the challenges, I am proud of the way that my flex panel turned out. At first, I was very intimidated by this challenge, but after I completed it, I felt really accomplished because I was able to change the sizes and images of the panel. I also realized how simple this technique was, and that there was really only a little bit of JS involved, which made the whole thing less scary.
Some additional things that I want to work on or learn more about in the future is the use of math in JS. While it was looked at a little bit in some of the challenges that I did, it is something that I still struggle with. I also would like to learn morea about the different function uses in JS, as I feel like there are so many and I was only able to learn a select few.