JRMC 7014 All About Rank My Votes!

In Emerging Media Workshop, my partner, Conor, and I got to truly hone in on what our capstone was. At the end of the summer in 7011E, we were left with three ideas. After a lot of conversations and a lot of thinking, we decided that the idea of Hot Takes was the winner. However, we knew that the idea we had over the summer was not the “true” idea so we needed to ‘edit’ it per se a little bit. Enter Rank my Votes. Rank My Votes is a website that allows users in the Classic City to up or down vote on what they think the best or worst things in the area are. The whole website is user-generated, so it is up to the users to create the content and post how they truly feel about certain places, food, bars, or really anything involving Athens. From last semester to this semester, our project idea has come far. However, one challenge we are going to have in 7015 is how do we expand this beyond Athens and make this a template for other college towns to use and how do we further distinguish ourselves from Reddit? While these conversations have already begun, these are the main challenges we are going to have to focus on down the line. Check out Rank my Votes stages below and see our progress towares project 1.0!

Alpha Presentation
Beta Presentation can be viewed above
Rank my Votes Website with all of our project details. Please click here to view